2015 Vintage: Marilyn Monroe

The season didn’t start well. In March we had a frost that reduced the quantity of grapes of 30%. This tourned out to be favourable cause the vines could focus on the ripening of fewer clusters. In the Sangiovese we had an everage of four clusters per vine. This was really exceptional!

Now that all the grapes are in the winery we can affirm that life looked up for Podere San Cristoforo.

We had good rain levels in the early part of the season offset by blazing heat in the summer.

In July the vines were not under stress and veraison was slightly ahead of schedule.

In August the intensity of the heat decreased acidities and accelerated maturation. Water reserves accumulated in winter and spring were active throughout the heat wave favouring a perfect maturation.

September was cool and dry, just perfect allowing us to pick up grapes during the fruit and flower days in the Biodynamic calendar.

This vintage looks like Marilyn Monroe, with a perfect size 90-60-90, the wines are expected to be luscious, sexy and intense. We have never seen such a beautiful Sangiovese in every part of our vineyards.

There was not “second division” in our fields. All the plots were playing in “Serie A”.

We are enthusiast but worried because there are a lot of expectations, this vintage put a lot of pressure on us. We cannot fail in the winery with such high quality grapes.

As usual the picking started with Vermentino, Trebbiano Malvasia from Campo Vecchio, our oldest vineyard, then we moved to Sangiovese late of September and we finished with Petit Verdot the very last days of the month.

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