Luminoso Dolce

Il Luminoso Dolce è un vino radioso e particolarmente intenso con note di uva passa, miele, sciroppo d'acero, zucchero di canna, caramello, limone e arancia canditi, salvia, albicocca e sale marino.


Scheda Tecnica

Varietà: Vermentino, Trebbiano and other white varieties (field blend).
Fermentazione: after harvest selected grapes are hung from the roof and exposed to constant air movement. The clusters dry over a period of four months, losing 50% of water content. The dried grapes are then pressed manually to extract as much juice as possible. Fermentation take place in barrels with indigenous yeasts (“pied de cuve”).
Maturazione: 10 years in small oak barrels.
Gradazione alcolica: 14%
Bottiglie prodotte: 800
